qin qi câu
And persuaded 200,000 soldiers of Qin to surrenderLấy điều nhân nghĩa thu phục hơn 20 vạn hàng quân Tần Qin conquered and united China...

Miss Qi, we're here to... keep you companyTiểu thơ Tề, chúng tôi tới đây để... làm bạn với cô. He has nothing to do with Long Qi. He o...

former qin
Although brief unifications of the North, such as Later Zhao and Former Qin, occurred, these were relatively short-lived.Mặc dù sự thốn...

later qin
Construction began in the Later Qin era (384-417 CE). #Bắt đầu xây dựng trong thời kỳ Tần Sau đó (384-417 CE). Construction began in t...

qin dynasty
During the more recent Qin Dynasty (1644--1911), there was one official for every 299 people.Thời nhà Thanh (1644-1911), cứ 299 người d...

qin gang
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang.Người phát ngôn Bộ Ngoại giao Trung Quốc Qin Gang Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Ga...

qin hui
You are the pawns of the traitor Qin HuiChắc các người là tay sai của gian thần Tần Cối? Father, what does Qin Hui want from you?Cha, ...

qin ming
As they work to solve the twisted cases, Qin Ming is forced to confront his mysterious and tragic past.Trong quá trình giải quyết các v...

qin shengxiang
Also significant is the appointment of Major General Qin Shengxiang, a former head of the GPD Organization Department, to the post of D...

qin shubao
Qin Shubao said, “I still don’t know your, two little kids’ names.”Tần Thúc Bảo nói: “Ta còn chưa biết hai tên tiểu tử các ngươi tên gọ...

qin tian
Qin Tian spoke straight away, "Nan'er, you're wrong this time.Phương Lan Thiên ôn hòa mà an ủi, “Bình nhi, chuyện lần này, ngươi sai .”...

rulers of qin
The rulers of Qin had styled themselves kings from the time of King Huiwen in 325 BC.Những người cai trị của Tần đã tự phong mình là vu...

su qin
Four people came to receive the reward, and they all insisted that Su Qin killed himself.Cả thảy bốn người đến lĩnh thưởng, hơn nữa bọn...

xu qin
^ Xu, Qin (25 January 2020).^ Xu, Qin (25 tháng 1 năm 2020). ^ Xu, Qin (25 January 2020).^ Xu, Qin (25 tháng 1 năm 2020).

bai qi
Bai Qi is a mysterious doctor who rents Lin Xia’s house for his medical practice.Bai Qi là một bác sĩ bí ẩn thuê nhà của Lin Xia để hàn...

book of qi
The nearly contemporary record of the Book of Qi, as well as the later Zizhi Tongjian, state that a Northern Wei (386-534) army, compos...

cai qi
Cai said that the new coal cuts will reduce coal usage in the city to less than 7 million tonnes in 2017.Theo ông Cai Qi, kế hoạch cắt g...

liu qi
Liu Qi met with Romanian President Traian Basescu.Tổng Thống Bush gặp Tổng Thống Rumani Traian Basescu 3), great great grandson of Liu...

northern qi
In 577, the Northern Zhou overthrew the Northern Qi and unified northern China.Năm 577, Bắc Chu tiêu diệt Bắc Tề, thống nhất phương bắc...

qi baishi
Qi Baishi, Twelve Landscape Screens (1925), sold for $140.8 millionTề Bạch Thạch, Twelve Landscape Screens (1925), 140,8 triệu USD Qi ...

qi gong
This is the Qi Gong master Yan Xin, who I know rather well.Đây là gia đình Huỳnh Kim Mãng mà tôi biết rõ hơn hết. Her question therefo...

qi jianguo
In Beijing, Qi Jianguo, a former engineer at a car parts factory, said 90 per cent of the cult's new members are women, many of whom ha...

qi jiguang
From 1567 to 1572, massive reconstruction was carried out under the direction of Qi Jiguang, a brilliant militarist.Từ 1567-1572, Jinsh...

qi wei
Due to an accident, Qi Wei Yi, who has everything in this world, was sent to the only hospital in a village.Vì một tai nạn, Wei Yi được...

qi xin
His wife, Qi Xin, was forced to do hard labor on a farm.người mẹ, Tề Tâm, đã bị phái đi lao động nặng nhọc ở một nông trại. In 1962, h...